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ALA Kino in Falkensee
Potsdamer Str. 4
14612 Falkensee -
Cineplex Alhambra
Seestraße 94
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Cineplex Titania
Adria Filmtheater
Cineplex Spandau
Havelstr. 20
13597 Berlin -
Cineplex Neukölln
in den Neukölln Arcaden
Karl-Marx-Str. 66
12043 Berlin
Steglitzer Adressen:
Cineplex Titania, Gutsmuthsstr. 27/28, 12163 Berlin
Adria Filmtheater, Schloßstr. 48, 12165 Berlin
Cinema, Bundesallee 111, 12161 Berlin
Cineplex Titania, Gutsmuthsstr. 27/28, 12163 Berlin
Adria Filmtheater, Schloßstr. 48, 12165 Berlin
Cinema, Bundesallee 111, 12161 Berlin

- Deutschland, 2020
- 79′
- FSK 6
- Dokumentarfilm
- OT: Now
- Regie: Jim Rakete
Ein Blick auf die vergangenen fünf Jahre seit dem Pariser Klimaabkommen 2015, ein Blick auf die tickende Uhr. Was ist eigentlich seitdem passiert? Längst nicht genug, findet Generation Greta, eine moderne Generation junger Klimaaktivisten. Die einstige Politikverdrossenheit hat sich, ausgehend von Greta Thunbergs Schulstreik für das Klima, gewandelt: Die Jugend hinterfragt, misstraut und rebelliert. Gemeinsam machen sie das Jahr 2019 zum Jahr ihres Protests! Mit zivilem Ungehorsam, Streiks und Demos gehen sie gegen Regierungen und Energiekonzerne vor. Die Zukunft ist massiv bedroht durch globale Erwärmung, Ausbeutung fossiler Bodenschätze und Verschmutzung der Umwelt. "NOW" erzählt von der Macht einer neuen, weltweiten Bewegung. Denn was immer geschehen muss, muss JETZT geschehen. (Quelle: Verleih)
"If you fail, we will never forgive you!" Angrily, the generation of young climate rebels appeals to adult reason and makes 2019 the year of their protest. The reason: our future is threatened by global warming. The Paris Climate Convention of 2015? A hollow phrase! The Swedish student Greta Thunberg has risen to become the leading figure of the worldwide movement that has shaken up the general public with civil disobedience, strikes and demos. Their influence is growing rapidly. Finally, governments are also starting to pay attention. Director Jim Rakete asks some of the most prominent faces of the climate rebellion about their motives. He infects us with their tremendous energy and thirst for knowledge. They all have their goals clearly in mind. Because whatever must happen: it must happen NOW!
"NOW" by Jim Rakete is the film for the longed-for green turnaround! In his committed cinema debut, the famous cult photographer meets Generation Greta. No fewer than six young climate activists speak out, including Luisa Neubauer (Fridays for Future), Felix Finkbeiner (Plant for the Planet) and Nike Mahlhaus (Ende Gelände). Why did they become activists? What is at stake? A film that encourages imitation. Quite deliberately -- so that today's youth will also have a future tomorrow. They receive support in the film from punk rock legend Patti Smith, filmmaker Wim Wenders and many more.
"NOW" by Jim Rakete is the film for the longed-for green turnaround! In his committed cinema debut, the famous cult photographer meets Generation Greta. No fewer than six young climate activists speak out, including Luisa Neubauer (Fridays for Future), Felix Finkbeiner (Plant for the Planet) and Nike Mahlhaus (Ende Gelände). Why did they become activists? What is at stake? A film that encourages imitation. Quite deliberately -- so that today's youth will also have a future tomorrow. They receive support in the film from punk rock legend Patti Smith, filmmaker Wim Wenders and many more.