RM: Right People, Wrong Place

RM: Right People, Wrong Place

  • Südkorea, 2024
  • 84′
  • FSK 0
  • Dokumentarfilm
  • OT: RM: Right People, Wrong Place
  • Regie: Seok-jun Lee
  • Mit: RM (BTS)
RM von BTS öffnet mit seinem zweiten Soloalbum „Right Place, Wrong Person“ die Tür zu seinem wahren Ich – eine intime Reise durch Gedanken, Gefühle und Inspirationen aus 2023. ➥ Special Screening zu ausgewählten Terminen. ➥ K-Pop Random Play Dance am Sa., 7.12. um 14:00 Uhr auf dem Kinovorplatz - in Kooperation mit der Buzz Crew (Fällt bei Regen oder Schnee aus).

29th BUSAN International Film Festival Open Cinema Official Selection
"I'd try to see to what extent I could be truly honest with myself as RM, or as Kim Namjoon." Leader of 21st century pop icons BTS, solo artist RM, and simply-Kim Namjoon; who is he, really? In search of the answer, he bares the unfamiliar feelings and stories in his second solo album "Right Place, Wrong Person". "For the first time in a while, I feel like I'm existing as myself." Everything he immersed himself in, reflected upon, and loved in 2023. For the first time, RM-or just Kim Namjoon-steps forward, and opens the door to speak to his audience. (Quelle: Verleih)

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